Logging Food

The Skinny from Dr. Zach

I mention this indirectly in the book. Here's the deal, I don't want anyone to be calorie/carb counters. It's not a pleasant way to approach food.

You know I'm all about balance. I like to indulge and enjoy myself from time to time, but I'm also aware of what works for me and what doesn't. And I'm also aware that things that worked for me in the past, don't work for me anymore. This is the significance of logging your foods, especially if this is the first time on HCG 2.0.

You need to know what works for you and what doesn't. Kylene, one of your course instructors, has a lot to say on this subject because she did HCG 2.0 3 times and lost over 60 pounds. By round 3 she knew exactly what to eat in order to maximize her results. Weight loss is different for everyone so if you want to do this right, you have to be detailed.

The good news is that you don't have to be detailed forever. Once you embrace clean eating, and you will, you'll learn from your food logging so that you no longer have to do it. If you get this right a couple of times it will start to click. You won't have to count every carb and calorie because you'll just know what works for you and what doesn't. However, it doesn't just happen. You have to make it happen by logging your foods and learning from the process. You get out what you put in. If you make the time to be specific with the logging of your food, the faster this whole process will click for you.

Additionally, the habits your form NOW, on the low calorie phase are the habits you'll carry with you into maintenance. So let's get it right, right out of the gate.

Tips from Kylene and Judi

Here I kind of disagree with Dr. Zach. Log every single bite of food you put in your mouth. Logging helps you be accountable to yourself. Those, I'll just eat a nibble here or a few of these here add up and could send you over your carb or calorie count for the day quickly, If you don't log them you don't know your true picture. I log on P2, P3 and I'm still logging in P4. When I cheated, I still logged. I made sure I decreased the amount of calories I went over the day before the following day, and I haven't gained an ounce in over 30 days.

Tools for logging food - tools for logging food

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