Meal Planning

The Skinny from Dr. Z

If you want to have success on your HCG 2.0 protocol, you absolutely MUST make the time to plan your meals. Think about this, in the course of your average week, are the poor foods in your diet more a result of convenience or an actual desire for SAD (Standard American Diet) foods? I think most of the time you'll find that when you're eating poorly, it's a result of lack of preparation.

This is more true if you have kids. How many times do you catch yourself steering into the fast food line because you're in a hurry? You know it's not ideal, but you have no other options because Billy has baseball practice, Jill has gymnastics and you have a deadline. It happens, I get it. But it won't happen if you plan you meals.

It's time to start prioritizing. You eat 3 meals per day, right? And food is pretty important, right? I mean, after all, it's only the health and longevity of your family that we're talking about. In fact, I'm not sure if there is anything MORE important than planning and allocating the proper budget to feed yourself and your family.

Make the time to plan your meals. You won't succeed if you don't. And the thing is, the better prepared you are, the easier it will be. So make thing easy on yourself and plan ahead.

Tips from Kylene and Judi

Buy some precooked chicken. Look for hormone and preservative free. You can throw some in a salad and have an instant meal. Keep some in the freezer at work.

Always keep a can or pouch of tuna in your purse or car. You never know when it will save you from eating junk because you got caught out. I always kept a couple of cans in my desk drawer. You can get a side salad at just about any fast food joint. Throw the tuna on there and instant non-cheat meal.

Always keep celery in your refrigerator. When I was hungry, I would chew on a couple of stalks just to give my mouth something to do and it worked. Dill pickles are another great low carb, low calorie snack.

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