What is 2.0?

What is 2.0?

When Dr. Simeons developed his protocol for HCG weight loss in 1950’s Italy, food was grown fresh, organically. The fish were caught from the sea rather than harvested from breeding pools. The beef was grass fed on the rolling hills of Tuscany. Food is now a business. It’s engineered in laboratories with the purpose of extending shelf-life rather than enhancing nutritional content. It’s packaged and shipped to all corners of the country like industrial goods. Five-hundred calories today is NOT what it was in 1950’s Italy.

When I began working with HCG weight loss, I was a skeptic like many others. A 500 calorie diet didn’t seem sustainable and I was reluctant to recommend it to my patients. However, through my own research and witnessing the results of colleagues and mentors already working with HCG, I became a believer. Yet, I was still not fully convinced— primarily due to the restrictions on protein in combination with the inclusion of up to 70 grams of carbohydrates from fruit and bread sticks. This notion of allowing 280 calories from carbs while restricting protein, in an attempt to lose weight, is a direct contradiction to everything we now know of low-carb, Ketosis dieting. Another concern, and an often overlooked component of Dr. Simeons’ original HCG protocol, was the fact that his patients were treated on an inpatient basis. Many spent one month to a year at his clinic under constant supervision, removed from the everyday stressors of work, family and activities of daily living that necessitate large amounts of energy and calories

With the decreased nutritional value of our food today, combined with the additional energy requirements of balancing the demands of work, family and life in general, 500 calories just isn’t enough. Nor is it reasonable to believe that the calorie requirements be “fixed” for all dieters, as the energy and protein demands of a 6'5" male will be significantly higher than that of a 5'2" woman. As a practitioner, these disconnects were concerning. In the beginning, I was reluctant to deviate from the protocol because I wanted my patients to achieve success. However, as I gained experience with the diet and gathered feedback, I was slowly able to modernize and adapt the 65 year old protocol to accommodate the average working adult.

Why take HCG?

HCG, as theorized by Dr. Simeons and supported by a substantial collection of clinical research, provides two distinct actions to facilitate your weight loss while on the low calorie phase of the diet and one action following the diet to help you maintain your ideal weight. All three are listed below.

1. HCG targets your weight loss so that you maintain muscle mass while strictly losing abnormal fat deposits.

2. HCG suppresses appetite by enhancing Ketosis, which is a process that converts our fat reserves to usable calories allowing us to sustain ourselves on our own stored fat. By summoning calories from stored fat, our body reacts as though it has just consumed a meal thus producing a feeling of satiety and fullness.

3. Following the low calorie phase – By acting on a gland in the brain called the hypothalamus, which is responsible for regulating metabolic activity, including hunger and satiety, HCG has the capacity to “reset” your metabolism allowing you to successfully maintain your weight loss.

The HCG taps into the unwanted fat we tend to store in our bellies, thighs, arms, etc., and converts it into calories in a process called Ketosis. Dieters can then use these calories as an energy source and literally sustain themselves on their own stored fat, resulting in rapid weight loss. Women tend to lose a half to a full pound per day while men lose up to two pounds per day

Why Switch to 2.0?

By eliminating the high-sugar fruits and bread sticks that were allowed on the traditional diet , commonly referred to as OP (original protocol), and replacing those calories with lean protein, you’ve already brought your carb intake to below 30 grams per day, which will comfortably maintain Ketosis by any research standard. This is the key to HCG 2.0. The HCG then expedites and targets Ketosis by “unlocking” your abnormal fat stores. It’s important to note that the HCG is NOT what causes your weight loss. The weight loss is derived from your low calorie, Ketosis d iet. Then why add HCG? Look at it this way, if Ketosis is the door that houses your abnormal fat, HCG is the “key.”

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