What if I Don't Have Gallbladder?

If you're reading this, I'm guessing you've had a cholecystectomy. And since you've had one, there is not need for me to explain to you what it is, so I won't.

The good news is YES, you can still have success on HCG 2.0 just like everyone else. In fact, there are no changes at all to be made to your low-calorie diet. The clean eating of HCG 2.0 is actually quite ideal for you. The only problem is the loading phase of HCG 2.0.

If you're not familiar with loading or what it is, skip down to Phase 1 of your Teachable class to the section called Loading. The loading is an often overlooked, but very necessary part of HCG 2.0. If not done properly, you won't see the early and exaggerated weight loss that is typical on HCG 2.0.

Since over-consuming on fats is a critical part of loading, we need make a couple exceptions for you. Typically loading is two full days of heavy fat consumption. The theory here is that over-consuming on fats causes a spike in liver enzymes. This spike allows your body to by-pass "starvation mode" which facilitates rapid weight loss.

Rather than over-consume on fats for two days, we're going to ease you into the loading process. Start day one with moderate fat consumption. Eat what you can tolerate. If you're feel pain or discomfort in your upper right quadrant, it's time to slow down. If no pain following breakfast and lunch of your first loading day, continue to eat heavy fats through your dinner.

The same goes for the following day. If you feel ok, continue to eat fatty foods. Do you best to get a balance between Omega 3 fats and Omega 6 fats. This is more important for you than it is other dieters.

If you're able to continue through day two of loading there is no need for you to complete a third day. However, if you had to take a break from fats do to pain or discomfort, you'll want to add a third day of fat loading. On this third day, continue to eat fats as you did the previous days, but make it a zero carb day. We want to make this a productive loading day and we do that by beginning the ketogenic diet of HCG 2.0. Keep in mind, you DO take your HCG curing these loading days.

My Day 4, you should have consumed sufficient fats to achieve the normal exaggerated weight loss that most dieters experience on HCG 2.0

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