What Do I Put in My Coffee?

Kylene's tip:

I love coffee. I especially love the flavored creamers that went in my coffee. When I started 2.0 I read the labels. Wow 17 grams of sugar and 60 calories. Those went right down the drain. I tried almond milk in my coffee, but it just wasn't the same. There are flavor almond milk creamers called Nutpods a lot of 2.0 people use them. That didn't do it for me either. The sugar free creamers from the grocery store still contain carbs and calories. What I wound up doing was mixing a cold cup of coffee with 1 tablespoon of my flavored protein powder and putting that in a blender and then pouring over ice. It tastes like a frappiccino and was yummy. I also had this if I was craving something sweet. It cured just about everything for me. They also sell flavored stevia you can add to your coffee with a little almond milk.

Dr. Z's Coffee and/or Tea Challenge - You've heard me say it a million times, taste is an acquired sense. Stop with the artificial sweeteners and creamers. Just stop. It will be miserable days 1-3. By day 4 you'll be surprised at how miserable it actually isn't. By day 5 you won't even remember. I've done it and you can to. It will also save you time.

Also, in lieu of your creamers and sweeteners, buy some good high-dollar coffee/tea that has a flavor of it's own. If you want to make your weight loss truly sustainable, allocate more of you budget to it. Quit cutting costs on the food you eat. It's worth it.

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