How to Handle the Munchies

Dr. Z on the munchies - My best advice here is to reread the lesson on preparing your meals. The same can be said for the munchies. Prepare for them.

For example - I'm not sure what you feelings are on marijuana use, but it's legal in several states now so I guess I'm not ashamed to say that I partake every once in awhile. And, needless to say, I get the munchies. Since I'm 42 now and can't get away with the things I used to, I have to prepare. I don't want to ransack the kitchen and eat a bunch of crap right before bed, so I'll stock pile some sunflower seeds, beef jerky, fresh cut vegetables and other healthy/snacky food. This way I don't wake up feeling guilty and a pound or two heavier. Be prepared!

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