Goals - Diet with a Purpose

The Skinny from Dr Z

Do you know why so many people fail when it comes to weight loss? Because it's an abstract goal.

If you simply wake up and say I'm going to start dieting today, you likely won't have success. It might work for 3 or 4 days, maybe a week, but it won't last. You likely won't say to yourself, "that's it, I'm done with this diet," but rather, it will just fade from memory.

The reason is because you don't have objectives within your goal. It's not just the HCG that helps you lose weight, it's the act of planning and dripping it into your mouth three times per day that make the whole process work. Not only does it provide daily reminders, but it places your diet into a greater context. It gives you time frame. The bottle of drops is not bottomless. There are 40 days of drops and this provides you with a peace of mind. It's like the proverbial carrot being dangled in front of you reminding you that if you sacrifice for X amount of days, you'll be rewarded.

In fact, that is why you paid for this course. In exchange for the money you work so hard for, we provide you with a very specific plan that will result in success. So by purchasing your HCG package and the Teachable course here, you've essentially outsourced some of your goals and objectives. Not all, but some.

Goals and objectives are even more important if you know that you'll be doing multiple rounds of HCG 2.0. There can be a lot of strategy involved. For example, if you know that you'll need more than two rounds of HCG to reach your goal weight, I recommend doing multiple shorter rounds of the diet.

Rather than scheduling long 40 day rounds of HCG, do shorter 30 day rounds with sufficient time in between. The reason being is that the most exaggerated weight loss on HCG is in the early stages of the diet. By doing shorter rounds you're maximizing your results. And you're also getting experience in maintenance which is critical to making your weight loss truly sustainable.

Finally, on goal setting, keep your goals realistic. Please! You didn't become overweight overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight. Look at it this way, this isn't a diet, but a new lifestyle for you. So embrace it and don't be so result driven. Focus on sustainability rather than quick results.

If you're doing multiple rounds of HCG read this - https://www.insideoutwellness.net/when-can-i-begin...

Kylene and Judi's tips

I believe success comes when because you believe in the process and have an end goal and not an immediate one to see that scale go down every day. I use that scale as a TOOL not a goal. This way of eating is life changing. If you keep the goal as becoming healthier and changing your life and the weight loss is a bonus you will be successful.

1. Take Measurements - the scale lies about your progress it is your measurements that never lie

2. Take a before picture - as painful as this will be, you will thank me at the end when you see what you have accomplished and it will keep you motivated to stay on plan to pull it out and look at it when you are tempted to quit.

3. Stay off the scale - weigh once a week. The scale can be the biggest cause of failed diets there is. Just look through the posts of people who hit a stall and gave up, when if they would have trusted the progress, stayed off the scale and kept going it would eventually gone down. I cannot stress this enough.

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