What is Ketosis?

Our goal with HCG 2.0 is rapid and healthy weight loss. The only way this can be achieved is through a healthy metabolic state called ketosis. The best thing I can do to explain it is to refer you to an excerpt from my book called Understanding Ketosis.

In regard to ketosis, a common question that I often get is can HCG alone facilitate ketosis? The answer is no. Even during pregnancy when an expectant mother is producing massive concentrations of HCG she will not enter a state of ketosis unless she is simultaneously limiting her carb intake.

This is why the most critical thing you can do in order to insure your success is to limit your carb intake to below 30 grams per day. If you allow yourself more than 30 grams of carbs per day, you're not only limiting your results, but you're actually making the diet harder on yourself. You'll be MORE hungry if you allow your self to slip out of ketosis.

The reason being is that when you're in an optimal state of ketosis you're being supplied a steady supply of ketone calories from stored fat. Your body will react to these calories the same way it reacts to calories that are entering the body from a meal with a feeling of satiety and fullness. When you slip out of ketosis these calories will no longer be available to you, so you'll get hungry.

This is why the traditional HCG diet was inconsistent with it's weight loss and also why it could be so excruciating on some days and not on others. Depending on your vegetable choices and the size of your fruit options, its common to slip out of ketosis. This makes weight loss inconsistent and makes the diet really hard. There's a smarter way to lose, right.

How do you know you're in Ketosis?

The only reliable way to know if you're in ketosis is with blood work. There are test strips you can buy from our online, but my best recommendation is to keep your carbs under 30 grams per day. By all standards, this is enough to keep you in an optimal state of ketosis and burning fat.

Additionally, if you find that you experience a stall on your diet and you've been diligently keeping your carbs under 30 grams per day, you are STILL burning fat. It's likely you're retaining water for some reason or another. Don't let the scale frustrate you.

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