Getting Your Kitchen and Your Mind Ready for 2.0

The Skinny from Dr. Z

The most important thing you can do to prepare for HCG 2.0 is to tell family and friends what you plan to do an when you plan to start. I would even suggest posting it to Facebook. The more that know, the more it commits you to it. Additionally, you might find an accountability partner. Someone might see or hear what you plan on doing and join you. The more support the better.

Things to Do Before Starting Diet

  1. Pick a start date and tell your family and friends. Let them know that you’ll soon be making some lifestyle changes as part your new outlook on your health. Not only will this ensure their support, but more importantly, it commits you to it. Better yet, find a friend or loved one to do the diet with you. As Deepak Chopra says, “success comes when people act together; failure tends to happen alone.”
  2. Clean out your cabinets and refrigerator of all the junk food items that might be filling it. This is an easy way to avoid temptation. This may be difficult if you have kids in the house, but it’s also an opportunity to make improvements in their diet as well.
  3. Visit your Doctor for a routine check-up and blood work. In addition to getting the green light from your physician to begin a weight loss program, you’ll also be able to compare your pre and post diet metabolic panel. You might be surprised at what a 30-40 day cycle of the HCG diet can do to improve cholesterol, blood glucose, HBA1C and blood pressure. I’ve written several blogs about the positive effects I’ve seen HCG have on blood chemistry. Visit for yourself.
  4. Go to the grocery store. You’re investing in your health and appearance so spare no expense. Buy organic as these foods have a higher ratio of nutritional content to calories. Experiment with things you’ve never tried before.
  5. Prepare your food ahead of time. Thaw out frozen meats. Grill some chicken breasts. Prepare some tuna salad. Cut and refrigerate vegetables. The poor foods we eat are seldom our foods of choice, but more often our foods of convenience. Setting the alarm clock 15 minutes earlier in the morning to prepare your meals can make all the difference in your success.

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