Dairy and HCG 2.0- Can I Have It?

The Skinny from Dr. Z
Before we discuss dairy, let’s briefly define inflammation and what it does to our body. When you hear the word inflammation, you likely associate it with musculo-skeletal injuries like superficial wounds, sprained ankles or painful joints, but it’s much more than that.
Inflammation is a normal part of our immune response, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good thing. When we consume or get exposed to things that our body doesn’t like, our defenses are are triggered in an attempt to heal ourselves or protect against more negative consequences. This is initially a good thing. Let’s say that we step on a board with a rusty nail in it. The pain and irritation triggers an inflammatory response in order to repair the damage tissue and fight infections. This is when inflammation works for us, but as you’ll see, inflammation is quite ambitious. Like us at times, it tends to over-react.
Fighting infection and disease sounds like a good and normal thing, right? Well, not all of the time. Our body has good intentions, but sometimes, as I alluded, it over-reacts. An over-active immune system can, and often is, a bad thing as it causes chronic inflammation.
What many fail to understand is that hidden inflammation, the inflammation caused by our diet, our stress levels and our lack of exercise can result in conditions like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, depression, cancer, and even autism.


The first thing we can do is watch our diet and limit the inflammatory causing foods such as dairy.
Remember the kid from grade school that was allergic to milk? We call that lactose intolerance and surprisingly, about 70% of us are lactose intolerant to certain degree. We may not have an immediate reaction to milk or dairy like that kid in school, but we still have an adverse reaction that can lead to long term inflammation within our body.
So what can we do. If you think about it, dairy is typically not the meal itself, but the luxury item that goes with it. Is your burger really going to be any less tasty if you order it without cheese – probably not. I’m not saying you have to order our pizza without cheese, but pick your battles and limit your exposure.

Kylene's tips

Besides what Dr Zach said above dairy is full of fat and calories and does little to keep us satisfied when we are on P2 or the low calorie phase. I avoid as much dairy as possible.

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