What to Tell Family, Friends and Co-workers - Accountability +

"Success happens when people work together. Failure tends to happen alone." ~Deepak Chopra

One of the most critical mistakes people make, is trying to do this on their own. For some reason, especially for men, there is shame associated with weight loss. There is also the fear of failure. Many don't want to mention what they're doing because they're afraid it won't work. The problem is, by keeping your diet in the closet, you're making things tremendously more difficult on yourself.

That's why the first thing you need to do is set your start date and tell family, friends, and co-works what you plan to do and how you plan to do it. Be specific. Give them details, don't simply say I'm gonna try and lose some weight. Tell them you're doing a 40 day weight loss program called HCG 2.0. Try and explain to them the how the diet works and what the HCG does for you. You don't truly learn something until it becomes part of your vocabulary. So by talking about, you're learning as well. The more you know of the what, the whys and the hows, the more success you'll have.

Telling loved ones of your plan not only ensures their support, but it commits you to it. Once it's out there, there's no taking it back. If you want to win big, you gotta get all your chips on the table. This is all part of being properly prepared.

Kylene will tell you that she creep'ed around our private Facebook for 6 months before she was ready to go all in. That's fine. Whatever it takes. In hindsight she'll tell you she would have done it sooner, but for whatever reason, she needed that six months to prepare her mind and her body.

Find An Accountability Buddy

To take this a step further, rather than just notify family and friends of your upcoming actions, find a partner. We call this an accountability buddy.

An accountability buddy or accountability partner is generally a relationship between two people that are trying to achieve the same goal, in this case, weight loss. Neither has to be an expert in the field of their endeavor, but by working together, they increase their chances of achieving mutual success. Together, each person benefits because the accountability and responsibility for ones actions is essentially doubled.

In regard to dieting, an accountability partner would be someone that you recruit to complete the diet with you. And again, it relies on the Deepok Chopra principle that two people working towards the same goal is better than one.

Click here to learn what make a good accountability buddy.

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