I Have Kids - How to Feed the Family While on HCG 2.0

The Skinny from Dr. Z

We've already talked about carbs. Carbs are for kids, not adults. So when you're preparing your HCG 2.0 meals, simply add a side of carbs for the kids. White rice is fine. Brown rice is better, but brown rice takes longer to prepare so keep that in mind. Potatoes make a great side for kids.

You can also make pastas using noodle alternatives like squash or zucchini. One of my favorite tools is the Veggeti Pro that you can buy from Wal-Mart or Target. A tool like this allows you to make regular pasta for the kids while creating your own low-carb noodle alternative with the Veggetti Pro. And it's so simple. While you're waiting on the noodles to boil, crank out a bowl of zucchini pasta with the Veggetti. You'll love it.

Or Facebook group is a great source of kid friendly HCG 2.0 recipes.

Taste is an acquired sense - This is 100% true. You hear me say it all the time and the reason I mention it here is because as a parent, you can do so much for children by sending them off on the right foot in regard to their weight. If you feed them healthy food right out of the gate, you'll be making it easier for them to enjoy eating healthy as adults.

Yes, it's easy to put a box of sugary cereal in front of them or send them to school with some pre-packaged junk, but trust me, you're not helping them. Not only are you depriving them of the proper nutrition that they need now, but facilitating bad habits that will haunt them their whole lives.

If they're used to eating this way, it may be a struggle to replace the junk with healthy alternatives, but it's a battle that's worth the fight. Again, kids need carbs, but they don't need a sugar habit. Sugar is ALWAYS the enemy. It does no one any good.

Kylene's tip

The worst thing in the world for you to do while on a diet is to make one meal for your family, and make something else for yourself. I did that my first round. It was horrible. I really wanted all that junk I was feeding them. Then I had an epiphany. If it was making me gain weight, imagine what all that processed foods and sugar was doing to my husband and kids. When my husband decided to join me on round 2, we talked about it and took our family meals to low carbohydrate. The kids get plenty of carbs at school and at snack time at our house. I looked at a lot of keto recipes and we tailored them to 2.0. The kids actually enjoy them and bonus for me I only have to cook once. It has introduced a lot of vegetables they wouldn't eat before. They would rather have mashed cauliflower than mashed potatoes now. Get creative. Join some keto recipe Facebook pages.

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