What if I Have Diabetes?

Good news, whether you're a Type I or Type II diabetic you can still complete HCG 2.0 with success. First, talk with your doctor about starting any diet, especially 2.0. Because HCG 2.0 is a keto based diet it may cause your blood sugars to drop to dangerous levels if your are on any kind of medications. Please talk to your doctor first BEFORE starting 2.0

Kylene - I was a diabetic when I started 2.0. My HBA1C was at 11.5 the day I started. My fasting blood sugar that morning was 394. I was destined for awful diseases and felt horrible. It was the main reason I went on 2.0. In nine days, yes, nine days on HCG 2.0 my blood sugars were running 127-97 daily. I felt great! I had loads of energy and with my doctors blessing went off all my medications. I've lost over 60 pounds and in less than six months my HBA1C is now 5.3--NORMAL.

Complete and Continue  