PFC Calculations

Dr. Z on PFC - The PFC calculation is nothing scientific. It's merely an easy way for you to determine the quality of your food in regard to weight loss. The higher the number, the better. A big PFC means you can eat a bigger meal.

Now keep in mind this is only from a weight loss perspective. Fats aren't bad for you, but if you goal is weight loss, you have to decrease your calories, both from fat and from carbs. Especially from carbs. You know my feelings on carbs. They're for active children, not adults. Get rid of the carbs.

Using PFC to compare HCG 2.0 to the original HCG diet -

Counting Protein Calories

What is P/FC (PFC)? The PFC number is just a much simple way to calculate and rank your protein items. It’s exactly what it says, the total protein in a food item divided by the total fat + total carbs. The higher the PFC number the better it is for you from a weight loss standpoint and there will always be a congruent relationship with a high PFC number and your portion sizes. If you want to eat a bigger meal select foods with a higher PFC number like Tuna. You’ll also notice that most of the items with a high PFC number contain Omega 3 fats as opposed to Omega 6 fats. The calculation is:

Protein ÷ (Fat + Carbs) = PFC Protein

The PFC number will determine how much you can eat of a particular protein selection. The higher the number, the larger the portion size. For example, for dinner you may have 100 grams (3.5oz) of chicken breast which has 198 calories, or you may choose to have a whole 200 grams (7oz) of Tilapia (192 calories). You decide. If your social schedule has prevented you from doing the diet in the past, HCG 2.0 has plenty of options for you. Depending on your BMR, a spinach and egg white omelet for breakfast and a tuna fish lunch could stockpile you 500-600 calories for a nice low-carb dinner. Protein is the central focus of HCG 2.0. Protein is necessary to maintain lean muscle. Protein has no impact on ketosis. Protein provides the greatest effect on satiety, giving you a feeling of fullness. Most importantly protein is what makes a meal a meal, not only from a nutritional standpoint, but from a psychological and sociological standpoint as well. On any menu, protein is the main course; everything else is a side. Protein is the reason we were able to come down out of the trees and walk upright. Protein has given us the ability to think and reason. A meal without protein is merely a snack. With this in mind, protein is our only caloric consideration on the HCG 2.0 diet. There are no overt starches or carbs allowed and fat is a byproduct of our protein consumption as indicated by the graph below. The graph is by no means a food list. You choose which proteins to eat.

pfc chart.pdf
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