How Much Weight Can I Expect to Lose?

The Skinny from Dr. Z

The average weight loss for women on HCG 2.0 is 20-30 pounds in 30-40 diet days. For men, it can be substantially more. To break it down per day, women tend to lose .5 to one full pound per day while men typically lose double. I know. Not fair, right girls?

The best news is that the most exaggerated weight loss on HCG 2.0 comes in the early stages of the diet. In fact, it's not at all uncommon to lose 10 pounds in the first 10 days of the diet. If you want to be in this 10 pounds in 10 days group, DO NOT overlook the loading phase. Many wrongly assume that if they limit the calories they eat on the loading phase of the diet then they will have less to lose overall. This assumption is wrong. For more information on loading, you can skip to those classes in the Loading (Phase 1) section of the curriculum.

Caution - Make sure your expectations are reasonable. If you're a member of our private Facebook group you've likely seen people post some pretty dramatic losses. The thing you have to remember is that everyone like to talk about their winners. You also have to remember that the rate of your weight loss is congruent with how much you have to lose. If you're trying to trim up and lose 15 to 20 pounds to get into your favorite bathing suit, your losses are going to be significantly slower than the girl posting in the Facebook group that she lost 15 pounds in the first 2 weeks and still has another 65 to go. The closer you get to your ideal weight, the slower it will come off. The reason is because your body doesn't want to give up it's fat reserves. So the less you have to give up, the more stingy your body will be. Expectations can be dangerous

The weight loss will slowly taper off in the later stages of the diet as your body begins to acclimate the the HCG rendering it less effective. You might even experience a stall. There are no correction days on 2.0, and if you are really concerned see the lesson on stalls. On a 30 day round, if you do not cheat, you can expect to lose 20-30 pounds. Average weight loss for a round is 1/2 pound a day. What other diet are you going to lose that much weight in such a short time?

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