What is a BMR and How to Calculate

First and Foremost--READ THE BOOK!!! There is no substitute for reading the book. It's less than 100 pages and an easy ready. Whatever you don't understand right away will be explained in the course found here.

What is BMR?

Your BMR is the amount of calories you need on a daily basis to maintain normal, at rest, body function. These are the calories you need to keep your heart beating, your kidneys filtering, your lungs oxygenating and your brain thinking. This is why we use the BMR calculation to determine your specific caloric intake.

One of the biggest disconnects I found with the original HCG diet was that there were a fixed number of calories and protein across the board for all dieters. It alarmed me from the very beginning and after working with the diet for several years, it’s still alarming. Not so much in the amount of calories, which is obviously very small, but more in its application to all dieters. This was an immediate red flag. I understand Dr. Simeons’ theory that by supplementing HCG, additional calories will be obtained from abnormal fat, but to restrict each and every dieter—from big man to small woman—to the same caloric intake, specifically protein, seemed unreasonable. Not only will bigger people with greater muscle mass require more calories, specifically protein, they’ll also have a diminished return on the calories being consumed from the perspective of satiety, which would make the diet considerably more difficult.

Figure your BMR.

To figure out your TOTAL calories (including the 120 calories from to 30 grams of total carbs) go to www.insideoutwellness.net and fill out the form you see below.

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