Eating Out on HCG 2.0

Dr. Z on eating out - I grew up about as middle class as it gets. A big day out was driving into St. Louis county on a Sunday and doing the all-you-can eat buffets. My dad would deprive my sisters and I of breakfast and assure us that there would be no dinner so we better eat up.

I bring this up because this is STILL my unfortunate attitude toward eating out. I always feel like I have to get my money's worth. What entree will give me the most food for my dollar?

This is wrong, obviously. I know it, but it's one of those habitual things about my diet that I am still struggling to fix. Don't do this. I can attest, it's easier said than done, but it has to be done. Also, I've become good at making this mentality work for me rather than against me. I do this by ordering items, specifically vegetables, that I can go crazy with and "get my money's worth." It's strange, I don't mind spending a little extra for an additional vegetable, but what I hate doing is leaving fries on my plate. I was raised to NOT waste food. I can't do it. So to remedy this, I don't order fries anymore. I substitute a vegetable. Or pay extra for two veggies.

I think you get my point, right?

Kylene's tip - You can figure out something to eat on plan at just about every restaurant - even Mcdonalds. There is always salad. You can order a grilled chicken salad just about everywhere. I always take my own salad dressing with me. Not once, has anyone ever questioned me when I pulled my little container out and poured it on my salad.

Always ask for steamed or grilled veggies as your side and know what the carbs are. I always just order asparagus. Ask they not cook it in butter or oil.

If you can look at the menu of the restaurant online before you go, it is much easier to pick what you can eat and plan the calories of your meal.

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