HELP - My Scale Isn't Moving

Dr. Z on scale - I have to be brutally honest here. Don't cry to me about the scale. If you're are honesty doing the right things and keeping your carbs under 30 grams per day, I assure you, you're in ketosis and burning fat. You didn't gain the weight over night, so please don't expect to lose it over night.

I used to actually take concern when I'd see women (sorry, but it's always women) post statements to the Facebook group like, "I'm following the diet to the T, but I've been stalled for 3 days." I would message them only to find out that they're down 8 pounds in 13 days and they've only cheated once or twice. That's great weight loss. Would you prefer to do Weight Watchers and lose 1-2 pounds per week?

You have to keep your expectations in check. Yes, you'll see girls post to the group that they're down 10 pounds in the first week or 15 pounds after only 10 days, but these are the high end of normal. Realistically, if you follow through, you WILL lose your 20-30 pounds in 30-40 days. I assure you of this and this is where you should keep you expectations. Under-promise, over-deliver.

That being said, your weight loss will begin to slow as you get further into the diet. When this happens, there are things we can do to jump start it.

Kylene's tip - when the scale stalls, take your measurements. Honestly, if you are following plan, eventually your body will release the weight. I ALWAYS lose weight the first 14 days, then nothing, BUT I start losing inches, and I mean lots of them. I will take inches over pounds any day

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