Protein Shakes - How Do I Pick?

Find the product with the most amount of protein, in grams, compared to the least amount of carbs and fats. Basically what that means is you’re going to look for a protein shake that has a very high PFC number. Obviously, there are whey proteins, there are soy proteins, and just mix them up. Start with one for 30 days, a whey protein for 30 days and then a soy protein for 30 days because your body’s going to metabolize them differently. That’s the best way. So find something affordable that has a PFC of 3 or greater. You want to watch the flavored protein shakes as most contain artificial sweetners. Read your labels.

Coconut Milk Vs. Almond Milk on the HCG Diet – Again, they’re both good. Coconut milk does contain lauric acid which has some great anti-microbial properties, but Almond Milk is rich in Omega 3s. So diversify.

How to prepare your protein shakes on the HCG Diet – I would always suggest blending them with ice rather than just drinking them cold. Blending your protein shakes makes them more of a meal. It’s more satisfying which is crucial to your success. I know it’s easier and much more convenient to just shake them up, but if you want to sustain your weight loss you MUST learn to make the time to eat healthy. This starts on the low calorie phase of the HCG diet. If you develop good habits while on the 40 low cal days, they’ll carry over into your maintenance. Don’t take shortcuts. You need to start creating positive eating habits and that means MAKING THE TIME TO EAT HEALTHY!

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